

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/29 WOD

Workout (21-15-9)
hang cleans  135 lbs for the guys
ring jumps
roll outs

This WOD was a good challenge for most.    As we get better with technique, the hang cleans will be much easier.    Points to remember.  1.  "Hang" the bar as if your arms are ropes ( I rest the bar on top of my legs).   2.  Start pull/push with the hips. Your legs can actually help "push" the bar.  Accelerate the bar and then "Catch" it quickly.  3. "Catch" with a small squat .  You can not use your arms and get a heavy load up.   The heavier the load the more leg and hips you will need to utilize and the the deeper the squat on the catch.    BrianJ

Mike S.  24:48
Derrek   27:03 (no assist)
Anthony  24:58
Bill         26:11
Brian      18:00  + 1.5 min penalty  (bar dips for ring jumps)

11/28 WOD

Work Out ( 2 cycles - 13/10 lbs)
20 lunges with med ball
20 lunges with twist
20 bosu thrusters with MB
20 bosu tricepts with MB
20 bosu squats with MB
20 bosu side squats with MB
20 wall ball on bosu
20 sit ups

Monday, November 28, 2011

8 am to 12 pm workouts


If you plan for a workout from 8 am to 12 pm (M-Th), please let us know so that we will be sure to have a trainer available.    I will be in and out during these times.    These times are generally slow for our Xfit workouts and we hope more members will start attending during these times.   Please let us know.


11/26 WOD

Work Out
1 hill
10 push-ups with feet on big tire
3 over the wall
200 meter
10 RR tie flips
3 save the buddy

Charlene  36:55
Dusty     21:50
Gracie    38:50

11/25 WOD (Fight Gone Bad)

Work Out (3 rounds- 1 min each)
wall ball
box jump  (27/ 16 in. box)
sumo high pull
stat bike
push press

Anthony   241
Bill           245
Derrek     275
Shayne     349
Brian        267
Cindy       254
Misty      306  (mod)
Jenn G.    270 (mod)
Susan       350 (mod)
Abie         239
Will   R.    233
Beth         255
Britt         284
Marco     204
Jen   A.   206

11/23 WOD

Work Out (AMRAP 20 min.)
100 jump rope
10 push-ups (release)
10 box jumps / 20 step-ups/ tire flips
10 bar kickers (low to high)
10 dead lifts (135/ 95#)

Beth 4 + 25 jump rope
Derrek 5 + jump rope
Redae 3
Brian  5 +to bar kickers
Shannan 3 + jump rope
Terran  3 +jump rope
Brittany 5 + to bar kickers
Susan  5
Alma  3 + 30 undulation

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/ 22 WOD (Grace)

Warm ( recovery from 11/21)
20 squat thrust
20 sec squat hold
20 mnt climbers
20 sec squat pulse
20 sit-ups
20 sec wall sit
20 knees to shoulders

Work Out (Grace)
30 reps 135/65  lbs ground to overhead


AMRAP (10 min)
15 tire slams
10 ab wall ball
5 push-ups on med ball (chest to ball)

Anthony  B.  7  15 min
Bill               7   15 min
Will              6   15 min
Brian            8  15 min

Jen  A.  6 + 10 ab ball + 5 pushups
Gracie   4
Reagan    4
Charlene  5 + 15 tire slames
Jessica   5
Julie    4
Jenny   4
Anthony  5

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11/21 WOD

Work Out (2 cycles)
50 double unders
10 suspended push-ups
3 rope climbs
25 box jump
10 tire flips
30 wall ball
60 sec rest

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/19 WOD

Work Out (3 cycles/rounds)
5 corner dead lift
10 OH squat (75/45)
15 toes to bar/ roll outs/ knees to elbow
20 site-ups
25 undulation (slammers/explosions/ wave)

Dusty   17:05
Gracie  24:00
Charlene 24:35
Anthony 19:25 (95 lb OH squat)
Derrek  21:00
Caroline 19:40
Jill  25:15
Randy 22:22
Brian 19:00
Susan  16:22

Friday, November 18, 2011

11/17 WOD (Helen)

Work Out (3 rounds for time)
400 meter/ 40 box jump/ 60 steps
21 DB swings ( 2 x 20, 20) or tire slams
12 pull-ups

Will 18:09
Mike S. 11:30  (assisted)
Kyle S.  13:00  (assisted)
Cindy S. 13:20 (assisted)
Alma    15:20 (step ups)
Jill         19:50 (box jumps)
Randy    23:40 (assisted)
Bill   19:20   (40 box jumps each round )
Brian  11:40 (tire slams)
Jennifer  12:48  (assisted)
Beth   15:23 (box jumps)
DerreK 16:00 (one round with box jumps)

After this workout, we determined that 40 box jumps is not equivelent to 400 meters. It should be more like at 35.  In addition,  we need to get a verification of distance of the 400 meter.   I ran the first leg in 105 sec at a good pace.   My 400 time should be around 80 sec at a good pace.   BrianJ

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/15 WOD

Work Out ( 3 cycles/ rounds)
10 ring jumps
10 dips on bar (scale -bench)
5   chest to bar (focus on this )( scale - use bands/ jump)
10 sec chin to bar hang
10 sec straight bar hand
200  meter
1 min. rest

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/14 WOD

WorkOut (3 cycles/rounds - for time)
30 wall ball  (20/13#)
30 power snatch (75/ 33 lbs)
30 V-ups
1 min. rest

Mike S. 23:40
Brian J.  24:30
Cindy   24:15
Renea   24:57 (mod)
Jenn G.  23:54
Brittany  24:12  @ 45 lb snatch (strong)
Marco 30:40  (mod)
Anthony 22:10
Derrek  23:40
Will   33:35
Dusty  33:25
Charlene  26:00
Gracie  25:00
Alma    25:55
Randy   25:25
J ill       31:30
Susan  T.  18:18  @ 45 lb snatch (strong)

My lower back is really sore.  Mike and I made the mistake of taking our snatches too close to the floor.   Everyone made big improvements in their snatch form.  Hard not to when you do 90 of them. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11/11 WOD

Work Out (4 cycles)
10 sumo high pull (115/65)
5    wall walks or laps bear crawl
10  tire flips
10 box jumps
2 min. rest

Mike S.
Brian       29:20
Dusty    16:28
Gracie   16:28

11/9 WOD

Work Out (AMRAP - 20 min.)
1   200 meter run
5   body blasters
15 squats (butt to ball)

Beth            3 + 3 body blasters
Caroline      3
Shannon     5
Jennifer G. 6
Brian         7
Derrek     6 + 200 meter
Will          5  + 200 meter
Cindy S.   5 + 200 meter + 5 blasters
Renea      3 + 3 blasters
Jenn. A.    4
Dusty        5
Alma        4
Anthony   4

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Work Out start times

Agian, we are becoming very busy in the evenings.  Thanks for your support.  In order to help manage our demand and make your workout run smoother we will now have WOD start times at 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00pm.   This will help us better group people.   It will also help enhance your work out experience.  If you would like to secure a specific time, please let us know.   We will have no more than 8 people starting at any given start time for now.   Your warm-up will be done before the WOD start-time.   We plan to start having warm-ups done soley on the pilates mat area.

We are not very busy between 9am to 3 pm, so coming at these times is ideal. 


11/8 WOD

Work Out  (21-15-9)
Shoulders to OH (115/45)
DB lawn mowers (10/5 lb)
knees to elbow
wall ball (20/13 lb)
15 sec ea.  (low plank/high plank/ left plank/ right plank)
30 sec rest and water

Mike S.  22:50 (30 sec planks)
Derrek  24:25  (30 sec planks)
Anthony 24:07 @ 145lbs on last set (30 sec planks)
Brian 32:15   (30 sec planks)
Cindy 22:00
Kyle 14:45    15 lb bar for OH
Renea 31:55
Jennifer  20:00 

11/7 WOD (Jack Rabbit)

Work Out (15 sec rest will be needed between excercises)
50 jumping squats (butt to tire)
50 explosions
50 box jumps
50 slammers
50 jumping lunges
50 plank knees to shoulder
50 hammer swings
50 floor wipers (25 ea. side)
50 double unders

Brian 26:35
Anthony  28:45
Marco   40:00
Dusty   36:16

11/5 WOD

Work Out ( 2 cycles/rounds)
400 meter (100 slow, 100 fast, 100 slow, 100 fast)
30 sit-ups
15 ea. leg travel lunges with MB twist
15 ea. arm ring side pull-ups
400 meter (as above)
2 laps bear crawl
2 laps tire drag
20 criss cross abs

Will 36:50

Friday, November 4, 2011

11/3 WOD

Work Out (AMRAP)
10 db thrusters (20/10 lb)
10 tire flip & hop with push-up
10 ring dips
10 box jumps

Linda 4
Beth 4.5
Shannon  4
Cindy  6
Kyle 3
Gracie 5
Dusty 4
Charlene 3
Anthony  4.5
Derrek 5
Brittany 6
Alma 5
Randy 7 and 10 thrusters and 9 tire flips
Will  5 and 10 db thrusters and 3 tire flips

11/2 WOD (Power 15)

Work Out (2 cycles for time)
15 dead lift (225/135)
1 400 meter
15 RR tie flips
15 pull-ups/ 30 rope pull-ups
15 toes to bar/ 30 knees to elbow/ 50 sit-ups
50 double unders

Brian 30:00
Shannon  40:20
Anthony 24:46
Dusty 19:55
Brittany  33:51

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11/1 WOD (Fight Gone Bad)

Workout (1 min. each- 3 rounds-count total reps)
wall ball (20/13 lb)
undulation (explosions or slammers)
box jumps (3tire/2 tire)
push press ( 95/ 45 lbs
hammer swings (rock hammer/5 lb hammer)

We will do this one again soon.   We will eliminate the undulation and insert sumo high pulls.  We will also insert small tire flips in for hammer swings.  Undulation and hammer swings are difficult to count full reps on. 

Below, I posted reps that I know are valid. 

Anthony    258
Bill            276
Derrek      300
Mike  S.    313
Brian         320
Shannon    305


10/31 WOD

Workout (21-15-9)
front squat (95/45)
side suicides (each side)
sumo high pull dead lift
plank knees to shoulder (ea. side)
swinging dumbell flies (20/10 lb)
mountain climbers (ea. side)
1 min. rest

Cindy 24:50
Mike S.
Anthony  32:33